‘Prana’ is the Sanskrit word for life force. It is called ‘chi’ in China and ‘ki’ in Japan.
Pranic Healing is a revolutionary and comprehensive system of natural healing techniques that uses prana to treat illness. It is a synthesis of ancient, esoteric healing methods that have been rediscovered.
A time will come when science will make tremendous advances, not because of better instruments for discovering things, but because a few people will have at their command great spiritual powers, which at the present are seldom used. Within a few centuries, the art of spiritual healing will be increasingly developed and universally used.”
Astronomer, Man, Mind, and the Universe.
-Gustaf Stromberg, Mt. Wilson
Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity, which is capable of healing itself.
Heal-Life-Safe is having Healers who can heal you with Love and Warmth. Book a session today